Bunches of blessings for 2017!
Wishing all my friends and family and those following my journey and music a Happy New Year! This past year my focus hasn’t been as much into music as I’d expected. Sometimes there are things that just pull on your heart strings and other things will take a back seat. One of those times was when me and my husband went to Lesvos, Greece and served the refugees. As short a time as it was and the tiny bits of difference we made, I learned lessons from that time... Small acts of kindness really do go a long way, People are far more valuable than things, People are far more precious than their beliefs or their weaknesses, People will often surprise you, what the media tells us is only half a story and that we should never give up hoping or being part of the solution for a better world! I thank you for your support and encouragement this past year.
What is in your heart? What do you ache to see outside yourself that you wish to see a better world? This coming year may you know the deep love and peace that comes from God and may you walk with His strength and compassion. I pray that you will see with eyes of hope for a better world, daring to step into dreams you thought impossible and have courage to be the change you wish to see in this world in 2017!
God bless you
Amy Faith x