Sorrow may last for a night.  But Joy comes with the morning (Psalm 30:5)

Previously to my encounter with Jesus in a cinema, my late teens had been quite turbulent.  Out of negative life experiences and brokenness, weekends had become a cycle of clubbing and getting drunk, being self-absorbed with friends, staying out at the latest BFs house and waking up on Mondays with a headache and coursework to do.  This lifestyle cycle was broken when I encountered Jesus and His grace.

After my baptism, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to get on a train to Swansea where I met a couple who handed me an address to a Bible College!  A surprising little miracle story but that’s for another time!  I spent 3 years there as a student and it was the start of a journey of healing and growing into the person that God intended me to be.  It was like coming out of darkness and into light!

I wrote Morning Star to express the hope and joy I have found since knowing God. This song I hope will lift and encourage your hearts because the Christian message is an invitation for everyone and it is a message of undeserved grace and good news!

Morning Star, Rising Up

Bringing Hope and bringing Joy

Jesus is described as the bright Morning star (Rev 22:16). He is the truth and in Him there is no darkness, only Light.  He lived as the perfect representation of God the Father who is love!  Jesus can take the deepest shame, fear, grief and is able to turn it into peace, joy, hope and healing!

Morning Star is the album title and the second song out of the 10.  The album blends together country, pop and rock and is available on Itunes and Amazon.  Or you can go to the website