It has been 6 months since the MP3 release of my debut album ‘Morning Star‘. If you are one of my subscribers you might be wondering why it’s gone quiet since the release. In September my husband Josh and I set off for Budapest, Hungary to join an organisation known as YWAM. As students of this school we spent 6 months growing in our faith and had some fantastic opportunities to share the love of God with others. We went on an outreach to Albania and Armenia during this time and not only got to see a some beautiful sights but got to serve the local people in a variety of different ways including: children’s work, visiting refugee families and offering practical support and prayer, singing, leading creative workshops, web design & shared our stories in local churches. A few of the highlights included, seeing a miracle for a street puppy, supporting a married couple to take a break & seeing a homeless couple’s lives transformed!

Refugee work in Armenia

Refugee work in Armenia

Bikers Church West Midlands

Setting up for a Gig at Bikers Church!

During the final days of YWAM DTS one of our team mates kindly borrowed us his video camera and we were able to make my first home-made music video for Psalm 139 (Everywhere), This is currently in editing and we are excited to release it on YouTube this coming April! We have also put up all the songs on YouTube where you can subscribe to my channel.

Finding a Home for a Street Puppy

Finding a Home for a Street Puppy we named ‘Hope’

Working with Children in Albania

Working with Children in Albania

I will be going to the States with my husband in May for 3 months to spend time with a married couple who have an amazing ministry teaching and training missionaries! I’m also looking for opportunities to sing live during this trip. We are also in the process of getting a Summer/Autumn line-up planned so stay tuned!  As many artists do these days we haven’t really ‘pushed’ the album very much, as I would rather have a few genuine fans of my music than tons of brought and paid for ‘Likes’ and fake subscriptions. So, if you do enjoy the songs please share them on your FacebookTwitter and subscribe to my YouTube account so that they can be heard naturally and authentically! Thanks 🙂 All the links you can find above….

Singing in Armenia

Singing in Armenia with the beautiful and gifted Ruzanna!

1509645_10205989807695286_7538389147172372412_nMe and my husband Josh with our YWAM DTS team

 Faith Morley Budapest

Blessings, Faith x